63 St. Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8AA, United Kingdom

+44 204 577 2997

Cookie и Уведомление об использовании

Some definitions:
User - you are the User, who visit or use Connectum services as this website.
We, Connectum - Company Connectum Limited.

In accordance with EU Cookie Directive:

Declaration: We use cookies to ensure that we give best comfort on our website.

Way how the cookie will be used:
A small piece of data, like a random code, will be stored on your
device as file or files. And will be accessed time to time
during website visit. This file or files will be automatically removed by your
browser, after leaving our website or closing the browser - this
option is depending on browser you use.

Reason of cookie usage:
1) for Website Language settings - to keep same language during surfing website.
2) 3rd Party service cookie: Google analytics - to analyze non personalized customer behavior (country website accessed from, pages visited, etc)

Connectum may apply user authentication technologies, including with the help of tokens like cookies.
This is not person specific authentication but rather is of general nature. Connectum does not keep track of Users’ separate activities on website,
similarly does not disclose or forward information about Users to a third party.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, information mentioned above can be forwarded to competent state authorities in accordance with the applicable laws.

User is always free to deny usage of Cookie by disabling such function on its web browser (functionality of website maybe reduced) or do not use the website.
If you continue without setting your browser settings on cookie deny, we assume that you are happy to receive all cookies from Connectum website.

Usage notice:

It should be noted that Connectum does not verify in any way information provided by the User in any website filling form,
(unless specified otherwise by terms and conditions of a separate agreement) and is not responsible to any third party for the accuracy and veracity of such data.
The User hereby undertakes not to place on Connectum's website any photographs, e-mail addresses and other personal information of other Users or any third parties without their express consent.



Нажав на кнопку, я подтверждаю своё согласие на условия обработки и использования персональных данных